Leadership Team

Co-Founder, Artistic Director and Company Dancer
Teri Wagner
Teri Wagner - Founder and Artistic Director of Spoke ‘N’ Motion Dance has been dancing (using a wheelchair) since age 11. She completed 3 years of training with The Dancing Wheels Company and School in Cleveland, OH. She also trained in Belgium in wheelchair ballroom dance. Teri is a company dancer with Ballet Arts Theater and Berthoud Dance Company and has enjoyed dancing on stages throughout metro Denver and public school programs that help to bring understanding of people with disabilities. She has also been a competitive Wheelchair Ballroom Dancer having a 4th place International standing and a 1st place State standing in Colorado.

Program Director
Cathi Schmidt-Martin
Cathi has been involved with Spoke-N-Motion since 2019, taking a break during COVID, and returned in 2023 joining the board of directors and becoming a lead instructor. In 2024 she became Program Director for this amazing group of people. Her passion for this group comes from her youth. Cathi’s single mother Vicki taught high school theater arts, creating a love for the theater environment. In 1995 when she had the opportunity to volunteer for Phamaly with her mother, she met Teri Westerman-Wagner and many other wonderful people. A forever bond was formed. Watching the choreography be created from backstage ignited a fire within the youngster that is still there to this day. Cathi also has a background in gymnastics, cheerleading, children's dance choreography and musical theater.

Assistant Program Director
Lily Blessing
Coming soon...
Company Members

Company Dancer
Paul Bareis-Golumb
Coming soon...

Company Dancer
Suzanna Benson
I’ve never considered myself a dancer, and before joining Spoke N Motion I would actively avoid dancing. My perspective since meeting and moving with the amazing people of spokes has drastically changed and I’ve been able to embrace the nuance, fun and different form of communication dancing provides us. The joy at rehearsals is palpable and it’s impossible to leave without feeling lighter than when you arrived.

Choreographer and Company Dancer
Katie Blessing
Coming soon...

Company Dancer
Deborah Clendenning
Dancer with Spoke N Motion since 2014. She has participated in Dance for Parkinson’s and Limited Mobilities since 2013. She has loved to move and dance since childhood. Though not formally trained, she has enjoyed many dance exercise programs including modern, jazz and African dance. She has participated in several Master Classes for Integrated Dance which the company has presented for the CU Boulder Dance Department. She is also a member of a community chorus, plays French horn in a community band and also plays piano with her chamber music friends. "Dance for PD and dancing with Spokes have given me back the ability to move and dance; they bring such joy and connection to my life. I use whatever works to help me dance-a rolling chair, walking sticks, sometimes my own two feet. There is always a way dance!"

Choreographer and Company Dancer
Abby Ferry
I have been visually impaired since birth. Dancing has been an important part of my life. I have been dancing since I was nine years old in 1993 taking Ballet, Junior Jazz, some tap, and Lyrical dance, which helped to expand my knowledge of dance vocabulary. This also helped me gain the strength and flexibility necessary to dance.
I stopped dancing for 15 years returning to it in the fall of 2016 when I learned about Spoke N Motion Dance. I joined SNMD because I found that I was missing dancing a lot, and I wanted to get myself back into it. I also wanted to try and work hard to expand and gain more skill in dance as a whole. What I like most about SNMD is its inclusivity because it is what I’m used to dealing with when I have been dancing throughout my life. Everyone in the group is willing to work hands on with me and each other if we are not understanding a move or dance. We are a family.
My contributions to SNMD so far include choreography in 2019 to a remake of the song “Give A Little Whistle,” from the movie “Pinokkio,” and choreography in 2022 to “Dreams,” by Van Hailen. When I choreograph a dance, I do not immediately think about how to adapt my movements for those in chairs. One of the chair dancers has to tell me that they are unable to do a move. We then work together to come up with another way for them to move that looks similar to how the other standing dancers move. Sometimes it is more challenging than others, but I try to make things work the best way I can, and so far, it turns out great.

Company Dancer
Kris Gray
I began dancing with Dan a few years ago. It has been just a tiny bit scary, quite exciting, and very fun to be a dancer with Spoke N Motion. I hadn’t done any choreographed dancing since high school theater - so a long time. Dancing with Dan is a fantastic opportunity for us to do something we are both learning together. The Spoke community is wonderful and I am grateful for the opportunity.

Instructor and Company Dancer
Rebecca Houghton
I have always loved to dance. Since I was in 5th grade, when I danced freely in my living room to Linda Rondstadt and took ballet classes in Ft. Wayne, Indiana, dancing has given me access to my authentic self and has been a channel through which I joyfully communicate with others.My life journey has involved starting a creative arts school in my home in high school; dancing in a jazz company in college; doing outreach work through creative movement; establishing a creative movement dance program at Stanley British Primary School in Denver and earning my MS in dance/movement therapy from Pratt Institute in New York. Currently, I work at Continuum of Colorado as a movement therapist for neuro diverse children and young adults.Through movement, I experience both access to my inner self and deep connection with others.Spoke N Motion is a loving and accepting community, both serious and light-hearted, that has helped me create a balanced and healthy life. I am so grateful.

Company Dancer
Hector Jimenex
Coming soon...

Choreographer and Company Dancer
Keslie Levad
I am Keslie Levad and I have cerebral palsy. I have been a part of Spokes since after high school. I was a cheerleader in high school and I wanted to find a new dance home. Dance allows me to be creative and it makes me feel that I am a part of changing how the world sees people with challenges.

Company Dancer
Dan Lewis
I started dancing with Spoke N Motion Dance about 6 years ago. A PT student I worked with told me about it. I have always been a musician but dancing was new to me. I play the cello. I like being with other people dancing. I also like moving my body with the music. I love dance.

Instructor, Choreographer, Company Dancer
Chelsea Magyar
Chelsea Magyar is a performer, choreographer, and lover of movement. She is passionate about using dance to create community and address social issues. Chelsea recently graduated from the University of Colorado Boulder with an MA and BA in communication and a minor in dance. During her time at CU, she researched communicative practices that choreographers use to work toward social justice, as well as the rhetoric of school shootings in news media and art. Chelsea has trained in a diversity of movement practices, including, but not limited to: contemporary, jazz, hip-hop, hula, group fitness, and ballroom dance. She is inspired by emotion, human interaction, and religion. This is Chelsea's first season with SNMD, and she is thrilled to be with the company.

Company Dancer
Tyler Martin
Coming soon...

Company Dancer
Lynzie Olden
Coming soon...

Instructor, Choreographer and Company Dancer
Jaki Reddington
I have had the pleasure of being with Spoke N Motion since 2014. It is an amazing collaboration of spirit and talent. The creative genius is incredible. I specialize in adaptive yoga for disabilities and lend that to cooling down the dancers after rehearsals.
I have also danced with Morgan Wilson Dance and Roshni Women's Diversity Group.

Company Dancer
John Wagner
John had virtually no involvement in the world of dance, except for a lesson or two in Western Two Step
and two brief attempts to learn Salsa. (John notes that a few moves on the dance floor during his college
days might qualify as something approaching “dance”, but barely.) John then met his future wife, Spoke
N Motion’s founder and artistic director, Teri Wagner. He was introduced to integrated dance with a
wedding dance choreographed by world champion ballroom dancer Karen Lee Bridge, and was coached
by Karen and Teri. After a few months of driving Teri back and forth to dance class, John decided to join
the company and has been with Spoke N Motion for the last 5 years.

Company Dancer
Brian Wilson
Coming soon...

Teri Wagner
Teri Wagner co-founded Spoke N Motion Dance in 2012 and serves as the Artistic Director and Board President. You can read more about Teri in her bio above.

Board Member
Dana Levad
Coming soon...

Board Member
Peter Martin
Coming soon...

Board Member
Cathi Schmidt-Martin
Cathi is a company instructor and has served on the Board of Directors since 2023. You can read more about Cathi in her bio above.

Board Member
John Wagner
John is a company member and has served on the Board of Directors since 2020. You can read more about John in his bio above.
Board of Directors
Interested in joining our team?
If interested in becoming a dancer, instructor, or Board Member with Spoke N Motion Dance, we would love to hear from you.